MSCI appoints Richard Mattison as head of ESG and climate
Mattison left his position at S&P Global earlier this year
Mattison left his position at S&P Global earlier this year
Catriona Marshall replaces Comgest’s former head of responsible investment, Sébastien Thévoux-Chabuel
After a decade at Federated Hermes
Dyson steps down from his senior advisor role at Pollination
Stephanie Maier joins from GAM Investments
Think tank ‘moving beyond its founders’
Specialist impact asset manager hires from Federated Hermes amid expansion in region
Will work alongside Chris Hiorns
Tom Nelson steps down from portfolio management responsibilities
Eelco van der Enden reaches end of his three-year contract
Razan Al Mubarak will replace Elizabeth Maruma Mrema who stepped down in March
Joins from Allianz Global Investors