Is ESG losing its luster, or just reacting to the economy?
ESG funds aren’t immune to the global economic shock
ESG funds aren’t immune to the global economic shock
Demand for passive ESG funds is outpacing active ones
Data visualization and country exclusions are new, O’Shaughnessy says
19% of active, climate-focused funds use no benchmark and 73% use market capitalisation index rather than a climate index
19% of active, climate-focused funds use no benchmark and 73% use market capitalisation index rather than a climate index
Less than half of organizations that use ESG investments say that including them helps performance, a survey found
ESG Clarity Committee member and CIO EMEA for Morningstar IM Dan Kemp looks at past and future returns of ESG portfolios
Less than half of organizations that use ESG investments say that including them helps performance, a survey found
Group developing ETF aims to channel capital and resources towards refugees
Compared with the MSCI ACWI, the top 200 global stocks picked by As You Sow and Corporate Knights have had higher returns over five years
ESG indexes that are loaded with technology and shun energy have been taking it on the chin so far in 2022
JPMAM’s Karen Ward considers the ESG factors within the company’s multi-asset predictions