LGIM ditches four companies for lack of climate change disclosure
Ditches companies from the banks, insurance, utilities and food sectors from £58bn fund range
Ditches companies from the banks, insurance, utilities and food sectors from £58bn fund range
InvestmentNews’ special projects editor Liz Skinner highlights the latest ESG regulatory developments across the pond
The firm reviews its responsible investment highlights in the past year as well as the targets it fell short of.
Calvert’s John Wilson says proxy voting is a critical tool for demonstrating ESG practices and processes
More disclosure and transparency is coming through, a study by SquareWell Partners finds.
More disclosure and transparency is coming through, a study by SquareWell Partners finds
Climate Action 100+ encourages the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters to take necessary action on climate change
Charity networks find more than half their asset managers are yet to set climate change-related targets
Few trust shareholders understand how to exercise voting rights when investing via a platform
Tracking engagement aims, collaborating with other investors and robust reporting will be essential to improving stewardship and furthering ESG causes this year and beyond
CEO of $8.7trn asset manager has written to clients and company management on path to net zero
LGIM’s Sadan describes how the firm puts its $1.5trn in AUM to good use in this Green Dream video interview