Reboot: ‘Institutionally and historically we haven’t had diversity’
Metro Bank’s Mona Patel says there should be more focus on sponsorship and discusses barriers to DEI progression
Metro Bank’s Mona Patel says there should be more focus on sponsorship and discusses barriers to DEI progression
Alquity’s Suresh Mistry shares how we should be celebrating diversity
‘Organisations need to be specific when addressing DEI issues,’ says Benefactum Consulting CEO Leanne Mair
State Street’s Hannah Smith shares the challenges and opportunities in her career so far
Reboot report finds racial jokes are still tolerated in the workplace
Reboot survey finds inappropriate jokes and racial slurs are commonplace
MFS IM’s Kelly Tran explains why it’s important not to alienate people in majority groups
Invesco’s Bhatia urges ethnic minority professionals to be true to themselves
ShareAction launches campaign to tackle the issue
Eunice Zhu discusses levelling the playing field and allyship
Despite a focus on diversity initiatives, there is a lack of ethnic minority role models
Goldman Sachs AM’s Lin Yue shares her childhood in China and how an advert led her to a career in finance