ISSB proposes sustainable disclosure requirements for companies
Consultation invites feedback on two standards with the aim to launch them this year
Consultation invites feedback on two standards with the aim to launch them this year
Consultation invites feedback on two standards with the aim to launch them this year
Firm announces new proxy voting policy
Clarity AI study finds article 8 funds have 3.9% green revenues compared with an average 3.6%
Third-party verification for Scope 1 and 2 would also be required for issuers
Emissions stemming from products make disclosure tricky
More than 680 financial institutions are asking for data through the CDP’s system
More than 680 financial institutions are asking for data through the CDP’s system
Chief responsible investment officer says reporting must extend to other asset classes and regulation needs to come through
Collating data to report in line with TCFD becomes mandatory in the UK from 6th April
Investors representing $4trn urge regulator to include Scope 3 emissions in corporate climate reporting
ESGgo will monitor and eventually help improve companies’ disclosures