Assessing company earning power and value post-COP26
Communication and implementation of strategies need to be clearer
Communication and implementation of strategies need to be clearer
Liontrust’s Parker looks at how far we’ve come towards a sustainable future and the part investment has to play
Scale and ambition of the goals risks getting lost in the investment community’s attempts to silo and simplify them
Multi-faceted approach includes funding the ‘missing middle’, showing commercial viability and activating more finance
Tech sustainability solutions can also be the sector’s biggest risks, including in supply chains, taxation and data privacy
Firm not proceeding with launch as fund raising fails to meet £100m target
Investors must assess each sector’s potential to deliver both positive impact and returns in disparate emerging markets (EM), says UBP Asset Management (UBP AM).
UNCDF’s Henri Dommel explores how digital technologies are boosting financing of the SDGs
The Good Economy CEO Sarah Forster sets out three steps for pension funds to invest locally
Global head of ESG says firm commits to carbon reduction, supporting EMs and learning from Africa
BlueMark study launches new impact benchmark and finds follow up with investees on impact performance to be lacking
Refinitiv’s Detlef Glow says investors may be left disappointed by funds focused just on the ‘E’