FCA urged to move fast on ESG fund labelling
UK regulator seeks feedback on sustainability disclosure requirements
UK regulator seeks feedback on sustainability disclosure requirements
Morningstar flows report shows SFDR boost, while Moody’s predicts sustainable bond issuance will top $1trn
Square Mile conference delegates discuss appealing ESG to clients, simplifying sustainability and upcoming regulation
Refinitiv’s Detlef Glow explores claims active managers can evaluate companies faster and have better influence of boards
Companies wanting to categorise funds accurately under SFDR need to be more stringent with their data and disclosure
Companies wanting to categorise funds accurately under SFDR need to be more stringent with their data and disclosure.
The Henderson EuroTrust fund manager talks through the latest EU regulation
IA’s Woodfield digs into the regulator’s ‘Dear Chair’ letter
Funds classified as Article 8/9 now total €3trn in assets but asset managers are interpreting SFDR rules differently, Hortense Bioy explains
Global sustainable fund assets continue to grow despite dip in flows
Additional detail for SFDR delayed until July 2022
Insight’s Kendall says there is an over-simplification in SFDR and sub-asset classes need to be more carefully considered