ShareAction criticises CA100+ signatories for greenwash risk
NGO calls on investor group to be more transparent
NGO calls on investor group to be more transparent
Committee of politicians, NGOs and investment professionals discuss ‘twin crisis of climate change and biodiversity loss’
Credit Suisse, HSBC, Barclays and Standard Chartered saw eventful meetings with shareholders
Coalition is calling on the bank to improve climate risk disclosures and bring fossil fuel policies in line with leading practices
Coalition is calling on the bank to improve climate risk disclosures and bring fossil fuel policies in line with leading practices
Shareholders encouraged to vote against plan at bank’s AGM in May
Bank has agreed to phase down fossil fuel financing
Bank has agreed to phase down fossil fuel financing
Some 60% of those new to investing say banks should only offer sustainable investment Isas, indicating further generational shifts
ShareAction report says this financing is also detrimental to banks’ investors
WDI submissions are increasing year-on-year, but there are still notable absences including household names
CEO Larry Fink’s annual letter says companies must show where they stand on societal issues amid ‘great resignation’