Fixed income outlook 2025: Ample opportunity for sustainable active managers
Green and social bond markets expected to continue to grow in 2025, but serious questions around the survival of sustainability-linked instruments
Green and social bond markets expected to continue to grow in 2025, but serious questions around the survival of sustainability-linked instruments
Global Impact Bond fund will adopt the label from 3 February 2025
In this mini episode, Annabel Jennings explains how defining social impact can cause problems
Proportion of Chinese green bonds aligned to international standards has also increased
Labelled bond market continues to grow across Europe
From re-thinking net zero to the re-emergence of a steady investment environment, managers share their outlooks for the second half of the year
Due to ‘muted demand’ for the single-themed strategy
Louisiana Salge says the only way to prevent the misled politicisation of ESG is by having detailed discussions on intentions and motivations
Multi-manager funds listed as SFDR Article 9
Taxonomies in Asia-Pacific are adapting the EU’s green taxonomy for their own needs
Aims to track global G10 green bond issuance
Issuance could surpass previous highs as market conditions and increased variety make sustainable bonds appeal in 2024