‘Scaling carbon market alone won’t benefit climate’
Carbon Market Watch policy officer, Gilles Dufrasne, describes why increasing volume of carbon credits may distract from real issue
Carbon Market Watch policy officer, Gilles Dufrasne, describes why increasing volume of carbon credits may distract from real issue
Financial models need to change or risk missing important nuances
NGO calls on investor group to be more transparent
There is a variety of ways and motivations for doing ESG
There is a variety of ways and motivations for doing ESG
More than 680 financial institutions are asking for data through the CDP’s system
More than 680 financial institutions are asking for data through the CDP’s system
WDI submissions are increasing year-on-year, but there are still notable absences including household names
WDI submissions are increasing year-on-year, but there are still notable absences including household names
Focus on decarbonisation and sustainable food systems
Focus will be on thematic equity products and climate solutions
Refinitiv Lipper’s Dewi John looks at how investors can analyse ESG credentials of sovereign debt in countries that lack high levels of transparency