BlackRock hits back at ShareAction report while halting meetings with investee companies
The asset manager championed its voting record while simultaneously backing away from engagement meetings
The asset manager championed its voting record while simultaneously backing away from engagement meetings
Suspension of NZAM is a ‘blip in authenticity’ as investors look for reassurance around climate commitments from US asset managers
Just 1.4% of shareholder resolutions tackling environmental and social issues received majority support in 2024
Follows BlackRock’s voting reaching record low
‘It’s easier to continue business as usual with insufficient pressure from regulators and shareholders’
Clients threaten to withdraw funds if Vanguard doesn’t change direction on climate risk mitigation
The world’s four biggest investors in fossil fuels are Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street and Capital Group
‘Smacks of cowardice’ said one investor who is reviewing positions in JPMAM as a result
Goncalves spent the past eight years at Vanguard working on global corporate ESG funds and ETFs
Vanguard is alleged to have misled the public over its Vanguard Ethically Conscious Global Aggregate Bond Index Fund (Hedged) fund
Vanguard was hit with three infringement notices in November in Australia
Vanguard and BlackRock supported less than 20% of the resolutions