Democrat Joe Manchin opposes SEC’s climate proposal
The senator says the proposed rule unfairly targets fossil-fuel companies
The senator says the proposed rule unfairly targets fossil-fuel companies
The IA’s Sarah Woodfield looks at the increased scrutiny on shareholder votes
Quilter Cheviot’s Gemma Woodward says ESG data can only provide part of the picture
Low-income countries have poor vaccination rate despite global targets
Low-income countries have poor vaccination rate despite global targets
ShareAction report reveals that CA100+ and NZAM members voted against almost one third of climate resolutions
ShareAction report reveals that CA100+ and NZAM members voted against almost one third of climate resolutions
Amundi launches a new social and climate action plan to accelerates its support of environmental transition
Global head of investment stewardship John Galloway says enhanced disclosure promotes better governance practices
Global head of investment stewardship John Galloway says enhanced disclosure promotes better governance practices
LCP’s Claire Jones says there is a tendency to ‘delegate and forget’ when it comes to stewardship at pension schemes
New Street Consulting Group found the average pay for FTSE100 women directors is £237,000 whereas for men it stands at £875,900