City Hive launches Fearless Woman campaign
Supported by ESG Clarity, the campaign will highlight women’s involvement in investing over the past 50 years, and where progress is needed
Supported by ESG Clarity, the campaign will highlight women’s involvement in investing over the past 50 years, and where progress is needed
30% Club ‘disappointed’ with the finding
UBS expects women to want to invest this way – and supply appears to be moving to meet this
UBS expects women to want to invest this way – and supply appears to be moving to meet this
Men’s larger salary increases are a factor
Firm will offer financial wellbeing webinars with WealthiHer
Only a small proportion of the financial services industry includes women and minorities, something the organization would like to change
Two advisers talk about how integrating ESG can be an opportunity to pull more women into the field.
30% Club France Investor Group’s first annual report finds slow diversity progress in SPF120 but willingness to improve
Investors must take a close look at gender in portfolios – empowering women is one of the top ways to tackle the crisis
Some countries have seen significant deterioration in human rights issues in 2021
Some countries have seen significant deterioration in human rights issues in 2021