Investor feedback sought on Seafood Stewardship Index
The World Benchmarking Alliance is seeking feedback on its approach to a new index that ranks seafood producers on their sustainability credentials
The World Benchmarking Alliance is seeking feedback on its approach to a new index that ranks seafood producers on their sustainability credentials
UBS Wealth Management’s Mario Knoepfel outlines what is driving the growing interest in sustainable investing among Asian investors, and describes how UBS is responding
The world’s largest pension funds have focussed efforts on carbon engagement, but have ignored other important approaches to climate risk management
Sustainable investments in exchange traded funds will rise from the current level of $25 billion to $400 billion by 2028, the fund manager predicts
BNP Paribas Asset Management creates new “head of Stewardship” role in the Americas, as ESG talent race sees no sign of slowing
Investors in Hong Kong have interest in sustainable investing, but among locally-listed companies a ‘box-ticking attitude’ toward ESG reporting remains prevalent, according to industry reports
Research conducted with more than 3,000 UK consumers shows tiny awareness levels of ESG
Selectors can be in the dark when it comes to verifying ESG credentials with no sustainable investment benchmark
The Merseyside Pension Fund is to use a FTSE Russell index for its Climate Risk strategy
Fund managers are being invited to pitch to run the new clean tech fund
Measurement of non-financial performance alongside financial results will be one of the strategy’s key characteristics
The issuance will help finance on and offshore wind and solar projects in Europe and the Americas