Q&A: Searching for authenticity in fund managers’ ESG claims
Foster Denovo’s Declan McAndrew discusses fund categories, engagement, flows and where advisers still need education
Foster Denovo’s Declan McAndrew discusses fund categories, engagement, flows and where advisers still need education
UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres calls latest report a ‘file of shame’ cataloguing ’empty pledges’
Indexes, benchmarks and tracking error keep funds from investing more sustainably
The SEC will watch greenwashing, and it will probe revenue sharing, 12b-1 fees and wrap-fee accounts
Dan Harris, managing partner at law firm Chancery Advisors, gives his honest take on exclusion policies
Some 60% of those new to investing say banks should only offer sustainable investment Isas, indicating further generational shifts
Platform on Sustainable Finance proposals under scrutiny due to Ukrainian crisis
Investors urged not to take SFDR categories on face value as similar strategies sitting within Article 8 and 9
CFA’s Matt Orsagh says investment professionals greenwashing with the ESG label are making it meaningless
ESG investments should disclose criteria objectively, the same way that packaged foods have nutrition labels, Gary Gensler said
A science-based verification of emission reduction targets could help investors identify the companies with credible transition plans
At the latest Responsible Pathway event, investment managers discussed challenges around providing evidence for impact investing