Engagement with Chilean mining leads to action
Antofagasta announces plans to be carbon neutral by 2050
Antofagasta announces plans to be carbon neutral by 2050
But £1.7trn is still invested in schemes that are not aligned with climate change targets
EY’s Marie-Laure Delarue discusses the shortened timeline for companies ahead of COP27 and expectations around the ISSB framework
Writing exclusively for ESG Clarity, the UK pensions minister says green investments must become second nature
Each month we will round up the latest news, views and commitments in the lead up to COP27 in Sharm el Sheikh
EY’s Marie-Laure Delarue discusses the shortened timeline for companies ahead of COP27 and expectations around the ISSB framework
Companies should introduce net-zero underpins and ensure performance includes climate costs
LCP survey finds encouraging focus on responsible investing across firms, but improvement needed in some areas
Companies given until April to produce ambitious climate strategies
LCP survey finds encouraging focus on responsible investing across firms, but improvement needed in some areas
Open letter ‘strongly opposes’ inclusion but some call this view too binary
LGIM’s Rob Martin says users of real estate will increasingly select spaces on the basis of environmental outcomes